Our mission concerns the structures already in place and wishing to make an assessment of their operation with a view to improvements if necessary.
This assessment process is used to highlight strengths and help improve areas of concern.
The interpretation of the results given afterwards should enable strategic decisions to be made with a view to improving service.
The evaluation of activities and the quality of services will be organized in such a way as to provide synthetic elements on the following points:
- The adequacy of the service objectives in relation to the needs, the priorities of the actors concerned and the missions assigned.
- The coherence of the different objectives between them.
- The adaptation to the objectives of the human and financial resources put in place.
- The existence and relevance of management and monitoring systems.
- The assessment of the achievement of objectives, the production of expected effects and unforeseen effects, positive or negative.
- Assessment of the impact of the practices of the stakeholders on the observed effects.
This evaluation will be carried out using a baseline that will be enriched with the data in force in the country concerned.